Monday, January 21, 2008

I am such an angry person

I guess I just can't decide what mood I am going for.

Here lately I have just been harsh and brutally honest with people.

Before sadly I was the kind of person that liked to talk shit when behind their back like a typical girl but now things just pour right out of my mouth right to their face and I just don't care. Truth hurts am I right?

It's not like I am saying things out of line and for no reason but I think it has more to do with just being fed up with people trying to walk all over me and lie to my face. And it's not like I say it out of anger either.

I don't really care if people have a problem with it because before I felt guilty for just spilling my guts but later I realized that I don't even like these people. They are really not the kind of people I want to be around. I just don't care as much as I used to about their opinions and I am not trying to make any of them my friends.

So basically if your going to say something that I don't like or is offensive in anyway then I am going to cram it right back in your face.

I just hate how hurtful, dishonest and just plain out stupid people have become.
I used to be a huge people person but now I really just don't like you and all I can say is don't give me a reason to hate you.

and I am so much happier

Although I think I may have a problem because more and more I feel like I am turning cold.

I don't want to be stepped on but I don't want to be heartless either.

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