Sunday, March 30, 2008

Final Fantasy

I am in love with the new Final Fantasy for the PSP. Crisis Core.
Freaking amazing... So what if Adam and Morgan gave it an unsatisfying review. Doesn't mean that I agree with them.

But maybe it's because I have always been a huge FF7 fan.

And on another note,
I have dyed my hair Red, Black and many shades of brunette but now I'm giving blond a shot.

Stephanie Don't hate me...

And on a third note...
I think I may be the only person I know that updates my blog persistently, and that kind of makes me sad.
Because I love reading what you all have to say.

And what ever happened to emials?
Does anyone ever email anymore? I love emails.

And I never get any : (

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.