Saturday, April 12, 2008


I have finished the last of the HP books. And I have to say that I am satisfied with how the story flowed and ended all together.
Although the Epilogue kind of made it seem that there is the possibility of a continuation.
Which would be fine by me.

on another note I'm getting pretty flustered at people calling me thinking that I am someone else. IF you listen to my voice message you will hear me say that this is NATASHA. Not Dory not Don... N A T A S H A.

I am constantly getting phone calls from the machine voice bill collectors and it's really annoying because I can't tell them that they have the wrong number! All I can do is hang up.

I am therefore going to switchover to Verizon because of the many problems I have having with my current service and my worthless RAZR. I'm going to try to get the new enV2 which looks pretty nice ( in my opinion and is supposedly not so expensive) when it comes out, which could be as late as the end of May.

So I will be getting a new phone number with it.
that is all...

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