Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Here's something

... Important to say. I hate, hate, HATE, the kind of people to trash talk or dislike something just because it's popular

Like people who

Hate myspace because everyone else has one.

Refuse to by and ipod because Apple is too popular.

Wont drink at starbucks because thats where everyone gets their coffee so lets go to a different place even though theirs tastes like crap.

Mustangs just because who doesn't have one on the road?

Hair cuts, Clothes, drinks, tv shows, you name it.

You should only dislike something because it doesn't do it for YOU, not because the rest of the world likes it.
Now I am all about supporting the underdogs but hating something for the sake of being different is really pathetic.

Who cares if everyone else has one. Have one because you want one. Or go with what ever the heck you want.

As far as I am concerned your just as bad as people who flock to what everyone else has for the sake of popularity, because on you quest to be different you yourself have let other peoples opinions tell you what to do and buy.

And I think your lame

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