Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Emotions are irritating...

I hate mine, they are pestering and unfair.

But they are honest and raw.

I may be able to hide it from everyone else but not myself.

Is that fair?


I hate being bitter,

I hate hiding myself, my past, my fears, my wants, and desires.

My dreams...

I told someone today, what I went through years ago.

Everyone goes through heartache.

Because I was trying to make a point, to someone else.

I feel left open and vulnerable.

What a sorry piece of work I am, so paranoid.

I feel almost like I might have made a mistake. I have let someone take a little piece of me when I know good and well, that giving something that precious, and yet simple, thing away...

It's like relieving a paper cut. Once you let sand in there it will burn.

Once you let someone know who you are they can hurt you.

Why am I so bitter?

I let someone in on a secrete today

It made me paranoid.

Yet at the same time

It felt good to let it go.

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