Friday, August 31, 2007

I am supa pissed

So I was scedueld for 3pm-12am guess when I got to leave? 12:40am... and I am pissed about it because it was totally wrong. Lances mom was waiting for us and I felt like I was the only one working, "who cares it's overtime..." I did much much more than my requierd work and I still couldn't leave. Lance had been waiting for me since 11:30 and he was getting pissed cause I couldn't leave and I had to hear all about it on the way home.

We got home at 1 in the morning and his mom was waiting for us by our door. AND me and Lance didn't have anything to eat so I made a quick dinner. We didn't get to go to be until almost 3 am. I had to get up and 7/8 in the morning. And I work up at 10am when the comcast guys came over to fix our cable. I remember waking up just enough to turn off my alarm but some how I was still in bed... So I missed my appointment that was very important... now I have to wait till next thursday.

I couldn't believe that I didn't wake up but I was so exausted for running around everywhere last night...and I have a big bruise on my foot. Not sure how that hapened.

The thing that really made me mad was I told my PIC that I had to go several times that night... I was done with my work at 11:30 and did more than my share of work around the rest of the department. She knew I had to go and after I finished putting everything away that I could get my hands on I saw them all standing there and I asked what else I had to do she said nothing... "well what are we waiting for? Can I leave? I have people waiting on me!"
She told me to chill out.
That pissed me off soo much I can't even express it. I just ran to the time clock and punched out before she could finish laughing at me (cause that pissed me off even more)

When I say that I have to ****ing be somewhere I am not just saying it.

Bitch bitch bitch- thats all I feel like doing right now...

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