Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Little Fish Rant

So my Parents went out and bought me a Betta Fish, as a feel better gift, because I have been going through a lot of crap lately.

They know how much I love them and offered to buy me one. At first I declined them like 5 times but then when I saw all of them I was like a little kid in a candy store. I love looking through the Bettas.

At one point after high school I had up to 5 bettas at the same time (all in separate bowls of course). My longest however was my first one back in grade school, the one that started my strange fixation on the fish. He was a homely red and blue betta and my dad caught me eying him at the pet store and bought him for me. I named him Cleo lol, and I had him for over 5 years.

Now after having over 9 bettas total, I have never had one so lazy and unwilling to eat. It has been 4 days and he hasn't eaten a thing! I was starting to wonder if it was the food I bought him, and I decided to look it up.

No one has ever told me that bettas need warm water. I never knew they depended on it my fish never had an issue with slightly cold water up until this one. I decided to give it a try and changed his water, and learned that my fish is a spaz.

He still has not eaten but I am thinking about buying him some other foods.

Now that hes happy and moving around I can see just how pretty he is!

His body is yellow and his fins are a deep blue with accents of red. He also has little black freckles and white tips on his pelvic fins.

His name is Hermes.

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